Conventions of Appropriateness & Academic Discourse

Conventions of Appropriateness: 

Definition: The gradual learning through personal experience, of what is societally considered “ok” or appropriate.

Conventions of appropriateness relate back to the ideas of academic/professional communities,  communities of practice, discourse communities as well as textual media.

An example of conventions of appropriateness would be handing in a paper for your science class, as opposed to handing in a paper in your english class. Your science teacher is going to be looking for short, matter-of-factly briefs or even lab right ups that conclude whatever it is that you were trying to prove or prove wrong. If you handed in to your science teacher a 3 page essay with MLA citations, though your english teacher would accept that paper and probably give you a good grade, your science teacher would probably request you redo it .. correctly. This is because the conventions of appropriateness differ between the two courses.

12/4 notes on Eportfolio

  • In reflection letter, make sure you write it LIKE A LETTER. Not MLA form, start with things like “Dear ms Cook,…” and end with your name!
  • should hit on all topics discussed in class, and demonstrate your ability to incorporate those concepts in your work.
  • course values : open mindedness, respectful to others and there opinions, critical thinking, expansive mind, peer review, learn from others, awareness of our rhetorical decisions (rhetorical= purposeful use of language), take courage/risks, participation/discussions etc.
  • Course Goals: focus on contextualized writing process. Participate fully


———–>     Inquiry 2

At this point, I am most concerned with the topic of my paper, I hope that my foreseeing of the growth of technology in the future along with the increasing need of upcoming generations including our own to be tech literate, is enough “expanding” of a topic that we’ve already gone over. Also concerned with flow, I dont want it to sound choppy.

Class Notes 11/13


  • Literacy
  • Discourse
  • Genre
  • Technology
  • Culture
  • Context
  • Textual Media
  • Conventions of Appropriateness


What We Have Learned Thus Far in This Course:

  • Writing can be an academic as well as a social act.
  • Being rhetorical (purposeful use of language) (appealing to target audience)
  • Not one right answer

*** What iv learned about myself as a writer:

– Iv learned that formulaic writing processes, such as having atleast 5 sentences in each paragraph and indenting and what not are not what creates a good paper, but rhetoric and the psycology of literacy is what makes for a good paper.

  • Purpose should be sort of like theory, every part of portfolio should be able to be traced back to it.

Genre Theory 11/11

Interactive Notes

After reading Genre Theory I have nothing BUT questions, and concepts that I need further discussing and clarifying of! Genre theory seems to dabble in all of the same ideas that we have been discussing in class regarding literacy such as social construction, means of interaction with those around you,  discourse and roles that determine how you choose to communicate, and the effect culture has on how we respond or create texts.  Though I am familiar with a few aspects that coincide with the idea of genre theory, the full definition of it is far too lengthy, contradictory, and vague..not to mention that a lot of it relies on personal interpretation.  One thing that really confused me was that they use the terms “messy” and “complex” to first define the term. This confused me because these two terms don’t allow you to understand what Genre Theory means at all, it just brings to your attention that what you are about to learn regarding genre theory and its ACTUAL definitions, will not be easy to follow.  Throughout the entire excerpt, each definition of each stage of what makes up Genre Theory was lengthy, unfocused, and overflowing with A LOT of information that was consistently vague and even contradictory. I found myself getting a little lost amongst all the words and examples, something a little more to the point would have helped me understand far better than the excessive rambling of information. I do believe that I have a basic understanding of what genre is, such as that it is flexible, always changing, cultural specific, and allow us to appropriately interact and respond to social interactions and situations. However the many steps and aspects that go into these simplified definitions are not easy for me to memorize, recognize naturally, or explain.